Content Policy

Last updated on May 21, 2024

American Voice is for advocacy groups, non-profits, and campaigns that are dedicated to promoting conservative ideas and fiscally responsible policies that make America a better country.

Our partners align on conservative issues exclusively.

Some common topics include fiscal responsibility, immigration policy, national security, and other conservative messages.

Types of petitions allowed

Petitions on the American Voice platform must be based on advocacy asks calling on a particular decision-maker or decision-making body to take a specific action. There should be no question who the decision-maker is and what the petition is calling on them to do.

Content specifically prohibited

Partners may not use American Voice to engage in hateful activities or to facilitate hateful activities engaged elsewhere, whether online or offline. Partners may not use any language in their petitions that:

American Voice reserves the right to delete or remove any partner-generated content for any reason at any time, without limitation, as specified in our Partner Terms of Service.