American Voice

Strengthen Online Protections for Our Kids!

Every day, millions of children are exposed to dangerous content online—and Apple and Google are doing nothing to stop it.

Parents are terrified by what their children can access with just a few clicks. Explicit content, violent material, online predators—this is the reality of the digital world, and it’s putting our kids in harm’s way. While states have tried implementing age verification laws to block these threats, legal challenges have delayed any real action. Time is running out, and every moment without protection puts more children at risk.

The solution is right in front of us. Apple and Google already have the tools to protect children through parental controls, but they refuse to go the extra mile. These tech giants could easily verify a user’s age—just like a store checks IDs for alcohol or tobacco—and prevent children from accessing disturbing, age-inappropriate content. Yet, they have chosen profits over the safety of our kids.

We can’t afford to wait for lawmakers to catch up. Apple and Google must act now to implement age verification across their app stores and shield our children from the dangers lurking online. Every day they delay, more children are exposed to risks that could scar them for life.

Sign our petition today to force Apple and Google to step up and take responsibility for protecting the most vulnerable members of our society—our children! Don’t wait until it’s too late. The online world is dangerous, and our children are the targets. 

Add your name now and help us stop this growing threat before more kids are harmed!

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America 2100

Bring Critical Industries Back to America!

Through trying times such as the 2008 Financial Crisis and the recent COVID-19 Pandemic, everyday Americans feel the impact of market deficiencies, natural resource mismanagement, and over reliance on foreign entities.  These events magnified pre-existing issues and with this new perspective we must ameliorate our national state to ensure bulletproof American prosperity in the future. No American should be faced with water shortages, inaccessible healthcare, power outages, or the inability to find a living wage paying job.  Let’s not overcomplicate the fundamental truths and basic human needs of our society. By relocating currently imported production of goods and services to the United States, we can fulfill the multifaceted need for domestic stability, local jobs, and sustainable innovation. Sign your name to help bring critical industries BACK to America! 

American Voice

Tell Gavin Newsom: Require Identification to Vote!

On September 30th, 2024, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed a law that bans local voter ID requirements in California,  stripping communities of their right to enforce commonsense voter integrity measures. This is a blatant attack on election security and a power grab by another Liberal Democrat to centralize control. Voter ID laws are essential for safeguarding our elections and ensuring that every legal vote counts. Local governments should have the freedom to implement these protections, not be subject to top-down mandates from the state. California's decision undermines the trust we place in our electoral process and opens the door for potential fraud and abuse. Sign this petition to demand that California restores the right of local governments to implement voter ID requirements.  Together, we can protect the integrity of our elections, uphold local control, and ensure that every vote cast is legitimate. Take a stand today and support election integrity!

Digital First Project

Parents Demand Action: Protect Our Kids Online!

Ensuring our children’s safety online should be Apple and Google’s top priority! State bills have pushed for age verification to protect kids from harmful content, but legal hurdles have blocked these efforts. The solution? Utilize existing parental controls on iPhones and iPads. We need Apple and Google to take this a step further. Just as physical stores check IDs for age-restricted products, app stores should use their existing data to prevent children from accessing inappropriate content. They can send age verification signals to app developers, protecting kids while safeguarding privacy. Parents are calling on Apple and Google to act now. Add your name to our petition and demand age verification on app stores to keep our children safe online. Tell Apple and Google to listen to parents and protect our kids! 

Advancing American Freedom

Don't Pack the Supreme Court!

Join VP Pence and help stop Kamala Harris and the radical Left from packing the Supreme Court with liberal justices who will impose their radical agenda!

Digital First Project

Stop Election Interference!

The Democrat majority at the Federal Communication Committee is acting as a “de facto arm” of the Biden campaign by advancing AI regulations during an election year!   These new regulations closely align with the broader agenda advocated by the Democrat National Committee, which urged the Federal Election Committee to introduce sweeping regulations governing AI-generated political speech before the 2024 elections. The DNC want to censor any political speech that goes against them and their candidates! However, Senate Republicans are fighting against this move saying it raises serious “statutory and constitutional concerns” and that the agency should police political advertising, especially ahead of a contentious presidential election. Americans refuse to allow this election interference by Democrats! Do you agree? Add your name below to tell the Federal Communication Committee to STOP their efforts to help Democrats interfere with the election!

Digital Innovation for America

Secure American Jobs!

Across the country, we are producing the top minds out of colleges and universities. Keeping and growing talent here in the U.S. is vital if we wish to keep and maintain our competitive edge. However, some Democrats in Congress right now would rather see industries tumble and fall than see our brightest minds succeed in the businesses of the future! Do you support keeping the world's strongest tech minds in America?  ADD YOUR NAME TO OUR PETITION TO SECURE AMERICAN JOBS! 

Republican Jewish Coalition

Stand Against Iran’s Terror Network!

Recent events have shown that Israel must decisively confront Hamas. Israel is unwavering in its mission to eliminate this threat, and we must support the Israeli people as they face this dire challenge. Iran has been funding Hamas and other terrorist groups, orchestrating the October 7th attacks. While the situation is complex, America's role is clear. Israel is our greatest ally in the Middle East, and we must stand with them against Iran. Enough is enough! Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have appeased Iran, the largest state sponsor of terrorism, for years. Israel is now paying the price for these failures. This threat will only worsen if we don't unite with our ally and stand up to Iran. We are gathering 10,000 signatures to tell Joe Biden and Kamala Harris: Take Action and Stand Against Iran’s Terror Network!

American Voice

Stop Non-Citizen Voting!

Recently, the U.S. House Judiciary Committee held a crucial hearing on noncitizen voting. With the election just days away, we must act now to protect the integrity of our elections. This follows the breaking news of a loophole in Wisconsin allowing nearly 150,000 people to vote without showing a photo ID! This is part of a broader problem—only 75% of states currently have some form of Voter ID law, leaving a serious gap in our election security. In the remaining 25% of states, no ID is required to vote, and far-left Democrats are pushing to keep it that way. Americans must stand up to protect our democracy. Ensuring that only eligible voters cast ballots is essential to preserving the legitimacy of our elections and without nationwide Voter ID laws, we risk undermining the trust in our electoral outcomes. We've set a goal to gather 10,000 signatures on this petition before today’s hearing in Washington D.C. Let’s send a clear message to our elected officials: Americans across the nation are DEMANDING secure elections! Don’t let progressive Democrats compromise our country—sign the petition below!